Why Is My Body Shape Not Changing After a Long Period in the Gym?

After months (or even years) of going to the gym, lifting weights, jogging on the treadmill, or sticking to your preferred exercise regimen, you may be wondering why your body shape isn't changing. This is a frequent frustration that many people experience, even those who follow their fitness regimens religiously. You're not the only one going through this. Your body form may seem to plateau for a variety of reasons, even if you've been going to the gym regularly.


In this blog, we'll examine the possible causes of a lack of discernible improvement and introduce you to the DEXA Performance Bundle, a tool that may provide you with the knowledge you need to realise your full fitness potential.


1. There Is No Variety in Your Workout Program

Maintaining the same exercise regimen for an extended length of time is one of the most frequent causes of not noticing significant changes in body shape. Your body adjusts to the exercises you do with time, becoming more proficient and requiring less energy to finish the same workout in terms of calories burned.

Solution: Switch up your training to challenge your body in new ways and focus on other muscle groups. Breaking past a plateau can be aided by introducing interval training, varying sets and reps, or raising intensity.


You can gain detailed insights into how to maximise your exercise regimen with the DEXA Performance Bundle. Combining tests such as the VO2 Max and 3D body scan allows you to identify your weak points in terms of fitness and determine how to modify your training to get the most out of it.


2. Neglecting Diet

Your body requires the correct food to grow stronger and evolve, even with intense training. You may not observe the desired body shape modification if your food is not in line with your objectives. Frequent errors include eating too little (for those seeking to gain muscle) or too many calories (for those seeking to lose fat).

Solution: Verify that the diet you're on is balanced and in line with your fitness objectives. Sufficient protein is necessary for muscle growth, good fats for hormone balance, and carbs for energy. Remember the importance of micronutrients for muscle repair and recuperation, such as vitamins and minerals.


With the help of the DEXA Performance Bundle's Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test, you can receive customised nutritional recommendations that will help you determine how many calories you need to either gain muscle or lose fat.


3. Inconsistent Exercise Routines

When it comes to altering your body composition, consistency is essential. Long stretches of time off between gym sessions or sporadic workouts can keep your body from fully adjusting to the training stimuli. You won't see the required improvements in your body form if your workouts aren't intense enough or done frequently enough.

Solution: Make a commitment to a consistent training regimen and monitor your improvement. Establish attainable, realistic goals and track your progress week by week.


With the DEXA Performance Bundle, you will receive an accurate 3D body scan and precise measurements of your body. You might not be able to notice little changes on the scale, but these measurements can help you spot them. If you monitor these outcomes over time, you'll be able to see exactly how your perseverance is paying off.


4. Not Putting Strength Training First

The reason your body form isn't changing could be explained if your exercise routine consists only of cardio exercises without any strength training. Cardio doesn't do much to help you gain muscle, but it is excellent for burning calories and enhancing cardiovascular health. Strength training is vital for body toning and shaping.

Solution: To increase muscle mass and define your body, include resistance training or weightlifting in your regimen. Strength training is essential even if fat loss is your main objective because it speeds up your metabolism and improves the way you burn calories.


Your muscle and fat symmetry can be shown by the DEXA Performance Bundle, highlighting the areas that require more attention throughout your strength training program. You can customise your workouts to target regions that require development by using the specific breakdown of fat and lean mass that a DEXA scan provides.


5. Miscalculating Progress

Sometimes, you may not notice subtle changes in your body. It is possible that you are losing fat while growing muscle, which could show little to no change on the scale and give you the impression that you are not progressing. On the other hand, modifications to muscle tone, body composition, and posture might not be apparent right away in the mirror.

Solution: Use more than just the scale to monitor your development. Note how your clothes fit, take measurements, and take pictures. Sometimes the changes are taking place, even though they aren't visible right away in your reflection or on the scale.


You will obtain 3D scans of your body with the DEXA Performance Bundle, enabling you to precisely track changes in your body's shape. These scans provide you with a clear visual record of your development over time, enabling you to see just how your body is changing.


6. Insufficient Rest and Sleep

Recovery is the time when fat loss and muscle building occur, not during exercise. Your body may be impeding your growth if you're not giving it enough time to rest and heal. Recovery also heavily depends on sleep. Stress chemicals like cortisol, which are linked to weight gain and muscle breakdown, can be elevated by sleep deprivation.

Solution: Make recovery your top priority by scheduling rest days, getting enough sleep, and including yoga or stretching into your daily routine to increase flexibility and lessen pain in your muscles.


7. Not Exercising in Appropriate Zones

Not training in the right intensity zone for your particular goals is another prevalent problem. For example, you might not see much of an improvement in cardiovascular fitness if you consistently work out at a modest intensity. On the other hand, your growth may be slowed if you only concentrate on high-intensity exercises without allowing your body the time to recuperate.

Solution: You can workout more efficiently if you know your VO2 Max and ideal heart rate zones.


Your body's maximal oxygen intake, or VO2 Max, is measured by the DEXA Performance Bundle test and is an important marker of cardiovascular fitness. You'll get tailored guidance on which training zones to concentrate on based on these findings, ensuring that you're exercising at the appropriate intensity to meet your fitness objectives.


The DEXA Performance Bundle is now available.

It may be time to adopt a more scientific approach to your fitness journey if you're not seeing changes in your body shape despite regular work at the gym. With the DEXA Performance Bundle, you will get a full fitness bundle that will provide you with a clear, data-driven picture of your body composition and overall health. 


What Does Your Report Contain?

  • Detailed composition report using the world's leading body composition software
  • BMI and related risk factors
  • Gold standard body fat measurement
  • Body fat classification
  • How your body fat compares to others your same age and sex
  • Your visceral fat measurement along with advice
  • Area breakdowns of fat
  • Area breakdowns of lean mass
  • Detailed applied composition results
  • Overall bone health
  • How your bone health compares to people your own age and sex
  • Health and wellbeing advice
  • Muscle and fat symmetry
  • VO2 Max test results
  • Assessment of cardiovascular fitness.
  • Comparison of your VO2 Max results to others of your age and sex
  • Personalised fitness advice based on VO2 Max results
  • Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) analysis
  • Personalised dietary and fitness advice based on RMR
  • 3D images of your body
  • Precise body measurements
  • Measurement symmetry analysis


Purchase Your DEXA Performance Bundle Now!

Measure instead of speculating. Make an appointment for your DEXA Performance Bundle at our Whiteley, Hampshire facility today to start along the path to a more robust, energised, and healthy you.

In summary

You're not the only one who has been annoyed by a lack of noticeable progress in the gym. You can obtain essential insights into the composition and performance of your body by utilising the DEXA Performance Bundle in conjunction with routine modifications. You can adjust your exercise regimen, make the most nutritional choices, and at last begin to realise the improvements you've been striving for with the help of this data.

Ready to reach your health and weight loss goals?

Book one of our scientific tests, each tailored to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals.

Technoplex Ltd trading as BodyView. Company Number: 14179206

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