Example Reports

Understanding your report

At BodyView we offer unparalleled reports for any testing that you have done here. These reports are generated using our state of the art testing equipment, combined with our market leading cutting edge proprietary software so they are both informative and easy to understand.

An example of our RMR test results

DEXA Body Composition Test Results

Here is an example of a DEXA Body Composition Report, which provides comprehensive details on body composition, bone density, visceral fat, and muscle mass. This report also includes comparisons to age and sex-matched peer groups, as well as young healthy adults. It serves as a valuable tool, especially within the context of a weight loss strategy.

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DEXA Osteoporosis Scan Test Results

This report presents the results of a DEXA Osteoporosis Scan, designed to identify osteoporosis through the examination of one of both your hips and spine. This test stands as the gold standard for detecting and monitoring osteoporosis, providing valuable insights for medical professionals regarding treatment options and assessing future risks of hip fractures using a FRAX score.

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An example of our RMR test results
An example of our VO2 max test results

VO2 Max Test Results

Your results will clearly show your current fitness level, a break down of your heart rate, VO2 Max rate and Calories burnt per hour across your aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, and the rate at which your heart rate recovers over 2 minutes.

There will also be a breakdown of your heart rate broken into 5 distinct zones, showing the number of Calories burnt in each range, as well as the speed and incline the treadmill was set to at the time, enabling you to recreate this in your workouts.

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Fat Max Test Results

The Fat Max Test report is invaluable for people looking to optimise their fat burning. In addition to providing fitness results, it precisely identifies the ideal intensity level to maximise fat burning while minimising carbohydrate utilisation. This information can significantly enhance weight loss efforts.

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An example of our FatMax test results
An example of our RMR test results

Resting Metabolic Rate Test Results

Your results will clearly show your current metabolic rate in kcal per day and how it compares to other similar people.

It will use this RMR data to make suggestions for Calorie consumption in order to either maintain or lose / gain weight depending on your goals, as well as providing a breakdown of how much you can expect your weight to change if you stick to these guidelines.

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3D Body Scan Test Results

Your results will clearly show a breakdown of measurements of over 20 body parts, as well as an indication of body fat and lean mass.

You will also be provided with a 3D image of your body, this is ideal for comparing over time.

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An example of our 3d body scan results
Technoplex Ltd trading as BodyView. Company Number: 14179206

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