Example DEXA 3D Report

Davon Huel

Date Fri 18th Oct 2024 9:00
Tests 3D Body Scan, DEXA Body Composition

DEXA Scan BMI Classification

  • BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is a numerical value calculated from a person's weight and height and is commonly used to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height.
  • BMI dates back to the 1830s, and lacks information on fat distribution in the body, which is crucial for assessing health risks.
  • BMI cannot differentiate between muscle and fat, often misclassifying muscular individuals as overweight or obese.
168.0 cm
68.0 kg

Normal weight

  • Lower risk of obesity-related health conditions
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Improved overall health and longevity

DEXA Scan Body Fat Results

Total Body Fat 32.6%

What this means

For women, the above average range is generally between 32-39%.

The American Council on Exercise introduced body fat classifications in the late 1980s to early 1990s.

Body Fat Classifications

Classification % Body Fat
Essential 10 - 14
Athletic 14 - 21
Fit 21 - 25
Average 25 - 32
Above Average 32 - 39
Obese 39+

How you really compare to others of the same age and sex

The graph opposite provides a standardised measure accounting for age and sex, leading to more accurate and clinically relevant assessments compared to BMI and body fat classifications.

DEXA Scan Visceral Fat


Visceral fat, surrounds organs like the liver and intestines, unlike subcutane- ous fat under the skin. While it cushions organs, excess visceral fat increases health risks such as heart disease and diabetes.

A healthy measurement for you would be < 100cm².

Your Visceral fat measurement is 71.2cm²







Low risk for metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases


  • Maintain a balanced diet
  • Regular physical activity
  • Monitor body composition

DEXA Scan Lean Indices

The lean indices provide a measure of the body's lean mass, which includes muscles and other non-fat tissues, crucial for understanding overall body composition and health.

15.5 kg/m²

Whole Body

Young Normal
25 year old Female


You have more lean mass than
57 out of 100 young adults.

Age Matched
39 year old Female


You have more lean mass than
50 out of 100 people your age.

Appen Lean/Height²:
6.42 kg/m²

Arms and Legs

Young Normal
25 year old Female


You have more lean mass than
49 out of 100 young adults.

Age Matched
39 year old Female


You have more lean mass than
46 out of 100 people your age.

DEXA Scan Body Composition Results

Lean Mass
Head 2.562 kg
Left Arm 2.022 kg
Right Arm 2.282 kg
Trunk 22.930 kg
Android * -
Gynoid * -
Left Leg 6.801 kg
Right Leg 7.018 kg
Subtotal 41.053 kg
Total 43.615 kg

*Android: Belly, Gynoid: Bum, hips and thighs

*Subtotal excludes Head, Andriod & Gynoid.

*Total excludes Andriod & Gynoid.

Fat Mass % Fat YN AM
932 g 23.2
1.402 kg 39.2 48 35
1.407 kg 36.4 38 26
10.014 kg 29.9 38 22
1.631 kg 34.6
4.420 kg 39.7
4.119 kg 36.3 22 16
4.354 kg 36.9 23 17
21.297 kg 33.2 31 19
22.229 kg 32.6 31 19
Total Mass
4.025 kg
3.580 kg
3.864 kg
33.519 kg
4.712 kg
11.138 kg
11.333 kg
11.798 kg
64.094 kg
68.119 kg

The YN score shows how you compare to a 25 year old Female.

AM (Age Matched): Compares you to other 39 year old Females.

Whole Body 15.5kg/m²
Arms & Legs 6.42kg/m²
Lean Mass

Compared to a 25 year old Female

Lean Mass

Age Matched 39 year old Female

Fat Mass
Left Arm 1.402 kg
Right Arm 1.407 kg
Trunk 10.014 kg
Left Leg 4.119 kg
Right Leg 4.354 kg
Total 22.229 kg
Fat %

Compared to a 25 year old Female

Fat %

Age Matched 39 year old Female


DEXA Scan Body Symmetry Analysis

Lean + BMC

Left Imbalance Right
Arms 2.178 kg
2.457 kg
Legs 7.213 kg
7.444 kg

Fat Mass

Left Imbalance Right
Arms 1.402 kg
1.407 kg
Legs 4.119 kg
4.354 kg

Total Mass

Left Imbalance Right
Arms 3.580 kg
3.864 kg
Legs 11.333 kg
11.798 kg

3D Body Scan Results

3D body scanning provides highly accurate and detailed measurements of body parameters, including circumferences, lengths, and volumes. This precision surpasses traditional measurement methods, allowing for more accurate tracking of changes in body composition over time.

Front View

Side View

Upper Body Measurements

30.2 cm
88.4 cm
Bicep Left
25.2 cm
Bicep Right
27.7 cm
Bicep Left Lower
22.2 cm
Bicep Right Lower
24.7 cm
Forearm Left
21.4 cm
Forearm Right
24.4 cm
Waist (Narrowest)
69.6 cm
Waist (Abdominal)
74.7 cm
Waist (Lower)
88.6 cm

Lower Body Measurements

High Hip
93.0 cm
95.8 cm
Thigh Left Upper
53.6 cm
Thigh Right Upper
52.9 cm
Mid-Thigh Left
49.0 cm
Mid-Thigh Right
48.2 cm
Thigh Left Lower
38.9 cm
Thigh Right Lower
38.0 cm
Calf Left
34.1 cm
Calf Right
33.7 cm

3D Body Scan Symmetry Analysis


Left Imbalance Right
Bicep 25.2 cm
27.7 cm
Bicep Lower 22.2 cm
24.7 cm
Forearm 21.4 cm
24.4 cm


Left Imbalance Right
Upper Thigh 53.6 cm
52.9 cm
Mid Thigh 49.0 cm
48.2 cm
Lower Thigh 38.9 cm
38.0 cm
Calf 34.1 cm
33.7 cm

DEXA Scan T-score

The T-score shows how your bone density compares to the optimal peak bone density of a 25 year old Female.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines osteoporosis and osteopenia based on T-scores:

  • Normal bone density: T-score above -1 SD
  • Osteopenia (low bone density): T-score between -1 and -2.5 SD
  • Osteoporosis: T-score of -2.5 SD or lower

T-Score is 0.2. You have Normal Bone Density

Normal Bone Density

Please Note: Full-body bone density scans provide an overall indication of bone health, but for a definitive osteoporosis diagnosis, please arrange separate scans of the hip and spine.

It's important to note that T-scores alone do not determine fracture risk; other factors such as age, sex, medical history, and lifestyle also play a role. Additionally, a T-score is just one component of a comprehensive assessment for osteoporosis and fracture risk. Interpretation of T-scores should be done in consultation with a healthcare professional.

Dexa Scan Bone Results

k = 1.173, d0 = 48.2
327 x 150

Your bone mineral density is 1.118g/cm²

Area (cm²) BMC (g) BMD (g/cm²) T-Score Z-Score
Left Arm 219.04 155.85 0.712
Right Arm 239.40 175.09 0.731
Left Ribs 118.48 81.82 0.691
Right Ribs 107.89 75.40 0.699
Thoracic Spine 145.75 130.67 0.897
Lumbar Spine 54.56 55.77 1.022
Pelvis 181.17 230.63 1.273
Left Leg 374.16 412.00 1.101
Right Leg 382.71 426.34 1.114
Subtotal 1823.15 1743.58 0.956
Head 212.52 531.54 2.501
Total 2035.67 2275.12 1.118 0.2 0.0

DEXA Scan Z-score

The Z-score shows how your bone density compares to the bone densities of others who are the same age, gender, and ethnicity.

  • Z-scores between -1 and +1: Very common. Most people (about 68 out of 100 people your age) have Z-scores in this range.
  • Z-scores between -2 and +2: Less common. Most people (about 95 out of 100 people your age) fall in this range.
  • Z-scores beyond -3 and +3: Very rare. Almost everyone (about 997 out of 1000 people your age) has Z-scores within this range.

Your Z-Score is 0.0


Z-scores for bone density compare an individual's bone density to the average bone density of people of the same age, sex, and body size. A Z-score of 0 indicates that the bone density is exactly average. Scores below -2.0 may suggest a higher risk of bone fractures or underlying medical conditions affecting bone health.

About BodyView

BodyView, where cutting-edge technology meets personalised fitness and weight loss solutions. Our advanced laboratory is dedicated to providing you with the latest tools to unravel the mysteries of your body, guiding you on a transformative journey to reach your goals. Your path to a healthier, fitter you begins with BodyView right here and right now.

Your Goals

You've expressed a clear commitment to your primary goal of weight loss, and this report details the outcomes of the comprehensive testing conducted at BodyView.
Embarking on a weight loss journey requires dedication and patience, yet it is an achievable goal for most individuals. Prioritise getting an adequate amount of sleep each night, as quality rest is foundational to overall health and can positively impact weight management efforts. Staying well-hydrated is equally crucial; water intake not only supports bodily functions but can also aid in appetite control. Additionally, incorporating resistance training into your fitness routine is an excellent strategy to enhance metabolism. Building lean muscle mass through resistance exercises contributes to a more efficient calorie burn, even during periods of rest. Remember, sustainable weight loss involves a multifaceted approach that extends beyond mere numbers on a scale.
As you embark on this journey, know that achieving your weight loss goals is within reach, and the support of our team at BodyView is here to guide you every step of the way.

Tracking Calories

Track More Accurately

Tracking calories is crucial for effective weight loss because it provides a tangible measure of the energy intake and expenditure that directly influences body weight. In essence, weight loss occurs when there is a consistent caloric deficit, meaning that the calories burned through physical activity and basal metabolic processes exceed the calories consumed. Calorie tracking offers a quantitative method to monitor this delicate balance, helping individuals gain a clear understanding of their dietary habits and make informed decisions about portion sizes and food choices. It provides accountability and allows for adjustments to ensure that the calorie deficit required for weight loss is being achieved. Moreover, calorie tracking empowers individuals to recognize patterns, identify potential areas for improvement, and develop sustainable, healthier eating habits. To streamline this process, we recommend utilising user-friendly apps such as MyFitnessPal, MyNetDiary, or NutraCheck which make calorie tracking convenient and enhance the overall effectiveness of weight loss efforts. By incorporating these tools, individuals can take charge of their nutrition, making the journey to a healthier weight more manageable and achievable.

Food Group Ideas

Remember to focus on portion control and properly track all of your target calories, stay hydrated, and consider the overall balance of macronutrients in your meals. Consulting with a dietician can help considerably, and we have a panel of recommended one’s if you would like a tailored plan drawn up.

Protein Sources

  • Lean meats (chicken, turkey, lean beef or pork)
  • Fish (salmon, tuna, trout)
  • Plant-based proteins (tofu, tempeh, legumes, lentils)
  • Greek yoghurt, low-fat cottage cheese

Whole Grains

  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Oats
  • Whole wheat products (bread, pasta)


  • Leafy greens (spinach, kale, arugula)
  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower)
  • Colourful vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, carrots)
  • Zucchini, cucumber, celery


  • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
  • Apples, pears, peaches
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits)
  • Watermelon, cantaloupe

Healthy Fats

  • Avocado
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, chia seeds)
  • Olive oil, coconut oil

Dairy or Dairy Alternatives

  • Low-fat or skim milk
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Almond or soy milk (unsweetened)


  • Hummus with sliced vegetables (carrots, cucumbers)
  • Air-popped popcorn (without excessive butter or oil)
  • Fresh fruit


  • Water (infused with lemon, cucumber, or mint)
  • Herbal tea (unsweetened)
  • Black coffee (moderate intake)

Exercise Ideas

The most effective activities for weight loss are those that combine cardiovascular exercise with strength training, providing a well-rounded approach to burn calories, boost metabolism, and build lean muscle. Here are some of the best exercises for weight loss:

Walking or Jogging

Brisk walking or jogging is a great way to burn calories and improve cardiovascular health. It's accessible to most people and can be easily incorporated into daily routines.


Whether on a stationary bike or outdoors, cycling is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that engages the lower body muscles and burns calories effectively.


Incorporate bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and dips, which help build functional strength and contribute to muscle definition.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods. This approach is known for its effectiveness in burning calories and improving overall fitness.

Strength Training

Building lean muscle through strength training contributes to weight loss by increasing metabolism. Include exercises like weight lifting, bodyweight exercises, or resistance training in your routine.

Group Classes

Joining group fitness classes such as aerobics, dance, or spinning can make exercise more enjoyable and motivate you to stay consistent with your workouts.


Rowing is a full-body exercise that engages multiple muscle groups. It provides an effective cardiovascular workout while also building strength.


While not as high-intensity as some other exercises, yoga can be a valuable part of a weight loss plan. It improves flexibility, reduces stress, and may contribute to mindful eating habits.

Remember that the best exercise for weight loss is the one that you enjoy and can consistently incorporate into your routine. Combining a variety of activities and maintaining a balanced diet are key components of a successful weight loss strategy. It's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert before starting a new exercise regimen, especially if you have any existing health conditions.

Interpreting your Dexa Scan Results

Interpreting the Data

Here's what each column means in your DEXA scan body composition results:

  • Fat Mass (g): The amount of fat in grams in that specific body area.
  • Lean + BMC (g): The combined weight of muscle and bone mineral content in grams.
  • Total Mass (g): The total weight of the body area, including fat, muscle, and bone.
  • % Fat: The percentage of the total mass that is fat in that area.
  • YN: Your percentile rank compared to an average 25 year old of the same sex.
  • AM: Your percentile rank compared to the average of someone your age and sex.

Are These Results Good or Bad

  • Higher Percentiles: Generally mean you have more lean mass or fat in that area compared to others.
  • Lower Percentiles: Mean you have less lean mass or fat in that area compared to others.

Remember, these results are just one way to look at your health. It's always good to talk to a health professional to understand what these numbers mean for you personally and what steps you might take to stay healthy.

Body Fat Percentile Examples

  • 25th Percentile: If you are in the 25th percentile, you have less fat than 75 out of 100 people. Most people have more fat than you.
  • 50th Percentile: If you are in the 50th percentile. Half of the people have more fat than you, and half have less.
  • 75th Percentile: If you are in the 75th percentile, you have more fat than 75 out of 100 people. Only 25 out of 100 people have more.

Interpreting your Dexa Scan Results


BMC stands for Bone Mineral Content, and it is typically measured in grams (g). BMC refers to the total amount of minerals (primarily calcium and phosphorus) present in the bones. It is an important component of bone health assessment, along with bone mineral density (BMD).


BMD stands for Bone Mineral Density. It refers to the amount of mineral (primarily calcium and phosphorus) present in bone tissue, typically measured in grams per square centimetre (g/cm²) or grams per cubic centimetre (g/cm³). Bone mineral density is a key indicator of bone strength and density, providing valuable information about bone health.


The information provided is for general guidance and not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any fitness or weight loss program, especially if you have health conditions or take medications. Use the information at your own discretion and responsibility.

Regular Reviews

Enhance your journey through consistent check-ins—we recommend reviewing your progress every six months, or more frequently in the event of a 5% body fat change, as your results are likely to evolve. Additionally, if you've undergone a preventive bone scan, we suggest an annual review. This personalised approach ensures that your progress is monitored with precision, aligning with your specific health and wellness needs.

A huge thanks

On behalf of the entire team at BodyView, we would like to express our appreciation for coming to see us. Your business is super important to us, and we are deeply committed to helping you achieve your goals. Should you require any further assistance or have specific inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out; we are here to help. If your experience with us has been a positive one, it would be really appreciated if you could take a moment to share your feedback by leaving a review on Trustpilot or Google.

Kindest Regards
Team BodyView.

This report was compiled using BodyCompPro software for DEXA scanners, providing you with gold standard results interpreted through the most advanced body composition software available.

Technoplex Ltd trading as BodyView. Company Number: 14179206

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